Where do you want to go and where do you want to leave?

    Maestri del Luppolo

    From September 22nd to 24th 2017, Longarone

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    Coming Soon

    From the 22nd - 24th September 2017, at the exhibition centre, Longarone Fiere Dolomiti in Longarone (Belluno), the manisfestation dedicated to craft breweries will take place Maestri del Luppolo - Piccoli Grandi Birrai.

    The area dedicated to the brewerie crafts, will remain open from 2pm to 11pm, Friday & Saturday and from 2pm - 8pm on Sunday with entry dedicated with refreshment services. On these same dates, it will be possible to "do tasting" at eh Longarone pavillion and the "Sapori Italiani e Alpini" an important review of typical food products and gastronomy from all regions of Italy. 

    At Lonarone, fun is for all the palates and with Busforfun, reaching it will be even easier and more comfiortable!


    #BFF2017 #BFFautunno2017 #LongaroneFiere #Longarone

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