Where do you want to go and where do you want to leave?

    Martin Garrix

    29 Junji 2018, Milano - 28 Julij 2018, Dunaj

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    Tour 2018 + Electric Nation Vienna

    Martin Garrix je leta 2017 na treh nepozabnih koncertih navdušil italijansko občinstvo, zdaj pa prihaja na dunajski stadion Electric Nation Vienna, kjer bomo vsi zaplesali v ritmu njegovih uspešnic! Datum si takoj zapišite! 28. julija 2018 boste lahko v naši družbi občudovali najboljšega didžeja na svetu in plesali ob zvokih glasbenih uspešnic Robin Schulz, Alan Walker, Deorro in še marsikaterega zvezdnika. S podjetjem Busforfun zabave ni nikoli konec!


    #BFF #WeTheFun #MartinGarrix #RobinSchulz #AlanWalker #Deorro




    Martin Garrix (born Martijn Garritsen in Amsterdam on May 14th, 1996) first appeared as the ghost producer of a track released on Spinnin’ Records, which instantly became a huge success for him. It met with such overwhelmingly positive critial acclaim that Spinnin’ Records signed him immediately. Martix Garrix’s artistic breakthrough followed in 2013 with his second solo release, Animals. The single was released on June 17th, 2013, and it reached number 3 in the Netherlands and even number 1 in Belgium and the United Kingdom. Animals was a hit in other European countries, too, including top 5 positions in France, Germany, Austria, Sweden and Switzerland. 2014 was yet another highly successful year for the Dutch DJ and producer. He continued his live appearances in late March and performed at the well-known Ultra Music Festival. Within that same year, on April 21st, 2014, he teamed up with the artist duo Like Mike and Dimitri Vegas for a joint single release. The song called Tremor allowed the Dutch DJ and producer to build on his previous success when it reached number 1 of the Beatport charts within just a few days. 


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